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Quantum Computing Services & Applications

Design and development of tools for Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is set to be a disrupting technology and is coming faster than you think. It will change your industry, too.
Our consulting team (researchers & developers) is ready to help your enterprise. We are giving to your company all the tools you need to learn how useful Quantum Computing can be to your business.

Quantum Computing technology is exiting the lab and entering in the world of global business. It’s very difficult to juggle through the confusion and chaos about the different frameworks and platforms. That’s why we support companies, explaining what Quantum Computing is, at what stage of development is technology, what are the prospects in the short and medium term and in which strategic areas can the first applications be used on the devices of the NISQ era (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum).

If you would like to organize a meeting or an in-depth seminar for your company, you can contact us by filling out the following form.

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